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👩‍🏫Vtuber Rigging Review (Private + Language Chinese + ENG Subtitles)

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👩‍🏫Vtuber Rigging Review (Private + Language Chinese + ENG Subtitles)


Zelo's "Vtuber Model Review (Private)" for rigggers.

Rules and Forms Compared to the Latest Year 年末VT模型評鑑會

2023 To be updated

These are public reviews
Here, you are buying a "private" review.
That means no one knows what grade your rigging is.
Except you.

【How to get your own private review?】

1. Purchase this service in quantity "1".
1=The model can talk for a total of 60 minutes.
2=The model can talk for a total of 120 minutes.
3=The model can talk for a total of 180 minutes.
the total number of hours will be accumulated according to the final delivery of the movie.

(1 service = includes up to 60 minutes of video commentary with subtitles, usually not more than 60 minutes for a single commentary)
(The 2nd review of the same model should be more than 60 minutes, you should purchase the service again to expand the available hours for the review.)
(Reviewing different models should be purchased again = if reviewing model A for the 1st time -> model B for the 2nd time, model B needs to purchase the service again)
(Even if the purchaser is the same person, the review hours will be accumulated according to the different models.)

2. Submit your file and demo movie.
File=Editable Live2D file of the model/PSD can be left out.
Demo movie = a demo movie of your model (all kinds of tracking/angles/buttons/MTN/LOOP...). Unlimited length of demo movie)

After uploading the above files to the cloud
Private message me on Twitter or Email me with your request for a private review.
(Please include "private review" in the subject line or first message)
My Twitter
My Email

3. Waiting for Zelo to shoot a review video for you.
As soon as you send me a message
I should be able to say immediately if the file is complete and ready for review.
If not, I will ask you again what should be added.

Zelo will shoot the review video for you "within 1 week" after you purchase the service.
The content includes "Chinese language commentary video" + "English cc subtitles".

(The review video will be filmed in real time and will not be edited unless personal information is captured.)

4. After you receive the video...
You may want to discuss or chat with Zelo about the review.
Please do so by Email or Twitter or any other way Zelo allows.
Zelo doesn't mind casual chats that don't take too much time or effort.
However, if you need Zelo to make a video again or to learn something seriously,
Zelo may ask you to purchase the service again.

#Review videos will be placed in google cloud by default.
#It is recommended that purchasers of this service should download the files, Zelo deletes the oldest files in the cloud about once a year.
#If you have any questions, please contact me via Twitter or Email.

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Up to 60 minutes of commentary on the rigging

CC Subtitles
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30-day money back guarantee